Your Weekly Rotary Minute, brought to you by the Rotary Club of Palgrave (week 9)
By Gary Walters
As Rotarians, we receive monthly publications titled “The Rotarian”. One is international and one focusses on Canadian Clubs. Each edition is filled with the stories of wonderful projects to support humanity all across the globe. Projects ranging from small, localized initiatives to better one’s own community to those that take the world by storm (think Polio Plus).
While reading through these magazines, it struck me that every good deed, every successful project was all started by ONE person who had a passion for an idea.
They then brought that idea to their Club which enabled the passion to spread and the idea then became a project.
Sometimes, it spreads from Club to Club and becomes much bigger than even the original passionate soul could have imagined.
That is the power of passion and Rotary.
Introduction of Visiting Rotarians
none present
Introduction of Guests
Wanda Earhart representing the Every Women's Center
Adoption of Agenda
Approved by unanimous consent.
Acceptance of Minutes from Previous Meeting
Minutes approved for Aug 28th, 2024 by unanimous consent. No minutes were recorded for Sept 4th as there was no quorum present.
Food Ordering System
Please save the link or the QR code below on your devices and use one or the other to place your order. Weekly reminders will not be sent out.
Click on the link or scan the QR code and place your order before 12pm Wednesday
"One Magic Project", a district initiative was presented by Pres. Ayşe.
Old Business
Discussion of the Club's 105th anniversary was presented by Pres. Ayşe.
Recap of goal to bring former members back to the club was presented by Pres. Ayşe.
Discussion of an upcoming vote to adjust the club meeting time was presented by Pres. Ayşe.
Discussion of payment of an approved donation to Loaves and Fishes was presented by Pres. Ayşe.
Discussion of a request for sponsorship of an international exchange was presented by Pres. Ayşe. It was determined to deny this request as it is outside of our club budget and priorities at this time.
Rot. Bob drew the 2 of clubs.
Meeting Host (Happy/Sad Fines, Ticket Draw, Distribution of Meeting Fines)
Rot. Brandon presented a Happy Fine in recognition of his newborn son, Henry.
Treasurer's Report
E-transfers: E-transfers to the club may be made to !!
Rot. Dave and his wife Sharon celebrate 39 years of marriage on Sept 14th.
The Directors meeting has been rescheduled, from Sept. 11 to Sept. 18!
President's Remarks (Directors' Meetings, District News, Special Reports)
Pres. Ayşe presented Rot. John with a Paul Harris Fellowship pin.
Pres. Ayşe presented Rot. Brandon with a "Past President" plaque in recognition of his service during the 2021/22 Rotary year.
Round Table
Rot. John remarked that he hopes for RI support
Rot. Bob acknowledged that on Dec 3rd 2024 it will be the 40th anniversary of the Interact Club at Riverview High School - the first Interact club in the District.
Guest Speaker / Special Program
Wanda Earhart representing the Every Women's Center
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