Attendance (#): 8 Rotarians in person attendance and a quorum was established
Host: Rot. Dave
Regrets: Rot. Donnie, Rot. John
Upcoming Chairs:
Apr. 24 Pres. Elect Ayşe
May 1 Pres. Hoyles
Upcoming Hosts:
Apr. 24 Past Pres. Brandon
May 1 Rot. Tharanee
Meeting Minutes
Time: 5:32PM
Pres. Hoyles Delivered a Land Acknowledgement
4-Way Test of the things we think, say or do
Led by: Rot. Darren
Moment of Reflection
Rotary Minute
No Rotary Minute this evening, but Hoyles will include a link on each club meeting's agenda that will take us to a website with seemingly endless Rotary Minutes.
Introduction of Visiting Rotarians
none present
Introduction of Guests
none present
Adoption of Agenda
It was agreed to proceed with the agenda as presented.
Acceptance of Minutes from Previous Meeting
Circulated by Hoyles with no discrepancies and approved as circulated.
Breakfast Program
April 19th - Rot. Darren and Rot. Gord (school is cancelled)
April 26th - Rot. Bob and Rot. John
Old Business
Rotary Club of Kesrouan Medical Equipment Project
Rot. Brandon motioned to donate $1000 American to Rot. Jack Dorsay/Sunrise project. This was 2nd by Rot. Bob and all were in favor. Motion Passed
Budget Exercise
Pres. Hoyles has sent Treasurer Tharanee our notes from the director's meeting. Rot. Tharanee will be away to spend time with her family. Upon her return, Hoyles will arrange a time to go over these notes
Committee Reports
Paper Chase - Rot. Bob brought up the Rotary Park clean-up we do every spring. The question was should we do it the same time as the CBRM or remain independant.
Interact - Rot. Bob notified the club that the Riverview Interact Club will be volunteering at Loaves and Fishes 9am this Saturday. Rot. Bob will be there to take a photo.
Rotary Golf Tournament - Rot. Bob has notified the club of the first golf meeting will be this Thursday at Boston Pizza. *Last week's minutes need to be amended as it was stated in there it would be last Thursday*
Review Action Register
Not reviewed
An Action Register is a register of commitments made by Rotarians. One is maintained for both the General Membership and the Directors.
Ronald McDonald House PJ Walk - Rot. Brandon was contacted by Austin Clem from Ronald McDonald House. He was looking to connect on this year’s Ronald McDonald House PJ Walk in Sydney, set for June 8th at Open Hearth Park. They thanked us for a fantastic day last year, and the club’s support was a huge part of this (in addition to Island Sauce Co letting us use the facility for cooking!) They have made an ask for the same support. Rot. Darren will check if the facility is still available from Kev T/Island Sauce Co.
Meeting Host (Happy/Sad Fines, Ticket Draw, Distribution of Meeting Fines)
Happy Fine - Rot. Louise returned home to Florenceville where she got to experience 3 minutes of the total eclipse. That same evening, she had the honor of meeting Chris Hadfield.
Sad Fine - Rot. Scott notified the club that Joy Sanders (David Sanders Mom) has passed away at the age of 105. Our club donated to Joy for her walkathon for the VON some years ago.
Treasurer's Report
E-transfers: E-transfers to the club may be made to !!
President's Remarks (Directors' Meetings, District News, Special Reports)
Pres. Hoyles thanked Rot. Louise for her service over the past almost two years. Rot. Louise is moving and will no longer be able to stay with the club. Rot. Louise was a great Rotarian who took on, and completed with pride, any work the club sent her way. You will be missed Rot. Louise, but we know you will continue your philanthropy, and another town and club will benefit greatly.
Pres. Hoyles started our meeting with a nice tribute to Louise, in a way only our president would as he played......
"So Long, And Thanks For All The Fish"
Round Table
None today
Guest Speaker / Special Program
There being no further business, the Chair ended the meeting.
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