Welcome to Clubrunner! ...
1) We will have a presentation on Clubrunner 101 in JANUARY (Date TBD).
2) We will work to ensure everyone has access to their login over the next few weeks - email me and I can set you up right away! (toner.brandon@gmail.com)
3) We have absolute flexibility on what to make of this.
Such as:
- Want a "Bulletins" button at the top? We can do it!
- Don't like the colors? Great, lets switch em!
- Got a "wouldn't it be nice if"? Send me a message!
- Wish there was a way to remember that you signed up to do the Kettle? Or to get people to sign up for the kettle (Shawn)? Let's do it!
4) "What can I do now"?
- Test the login (TOP RIGHT of this site)
- Update your profile. (Click here)
Need help? Send me a message!
Let me know you thoughts... good, bad, and the ugly. This is a work in progress, but I'd like to see it evolve into an easy, helpful tool to falcilitate CLARITY and COMMUNICATION. And to enhance our PUBLIC IMAGE (A key part of DG Don Sword's "PIPE" Dream) and awareness.
Click here to pass along your 2 cents.
Also, please someone click one of those links. I'd love to know if they work.
See you Tuesday. RI!
- Brandon